Cole Stover: "Felt like I would regret not playing."

Cole Stover is one of a handful of Hurricane Redskin seniors that will take the field this season for the first time during their high school career.
Cole had this to offer on why he decided to play, "I thought why not? There are no more chances after this year, and I felt like I would regret it if I didnt play." He went on to add that fellow senior linebackers Cameron Kimble and J.T. Cooper, "bugged me to play for over a year, but once I made the decision to come out they have really helped me."

Stover is going through a crash course of sorts to learn the linebacker position. "The hardest part are the reads, and at first some of the terminology seem like a foreign language." Beside the pointers he gets from Kimble and Cooper, Cole says that Coach Humphreys has been a ton of help in teaching him the position.

Stover is realistic about his goals for the coming season, "right now I just want to earn an opportunity to play and see where it goes from there. My goal is to start in the season opener at Winfield."
When asked what he thought about taking the field in front of a huge Friday night crowd Cole offered, "I used to get nervous about that, but during basketball I started feeling excited and comfortable playing in front of large crowds, it beats playing in front of a bunch of empty seats."

Cole has been a member of the Redskins basketball team and offers one of the differences is there is the type of shape that each sport demands that their players must be in, "I feel out of shape going from one to another, but there is no doubt that football is more physical."

We I asked Cole if he had a choice would he rather make a game winning shot or a game saving interception. "Honestly a game saving interception. A game winning shot is 100% do or die, and realistically I dont see myself having the opportunity to take that type of shot."
Cole understands that in many ways Hurricane's rivalry seemed to have shifted from Winfield to Cabell Midland, especially as it applies to football. "But I still hate Winfield."

That's the mentality that we need more of as we move closer to the "War on 34!"